Dynapar offers the world's broadest range of encoders, resolvers and accessories for motion feedback control. For 50 years, the four brands of Dynapar have been providing innovative, customized system solutions for virtually any heavy-, industrial, servo- or light-duty application.
Search ProductThe H20 Series of shafted encoders have a reliable dual-row bearing design. Code: Incremental, Optical; Resolution: 1 to 2540 PPR (pulses/revolution); Accuracy: (worst case any edge to any other edge); <1024 PPR (metal disk): ±7.5 arc-min. ; =1024 PPR (glass disk): ±2.5 arc-min.; Format: Two channel quadrature (AB) with optional Index (Z) and complementary outputs; Phase Sense: A leads B for CCW shaft rotation as viewed from the shaft end of the encoder Quadrature Phasing: 90° ± 22.5° electrical; Symmetry: 180° ± 18° electrical; Index: 180° ± 18° electrical (gated with B low); Waveforms: Squarewave with rise and fall timesless than 1 microsecond into a load capacitance of 1000 pf; Input Power: 5 to 26 VDC at 80 mA max., not including output loads; Outputs: 7273 Open Collector: 40mA, sink max; 7272 Push-Pull: 40mA, sink or source; 7272 Differential Line Driver: 40 mA, sink or source; 4469 Differential Line Driver: 100mA, sink or source; Frequency Response: 100 kHz min. (index 75 kHz min. for extended tempera
The HA25 series is a shafted incremental encoder in the industry standard size 25 or 2.5".
The HA725 is a series of shafted incremental encoders with high, direct-read resolutions up to 10,000 PPR.
The HC20 Series is an incremental encoder for stepper and small servo motors.
The HC25 series of shafted incremental encoders has optional extended temperature range of -40° to +85°C.
The HC26 series is an integral coupling encoder with high 5000 PPR resolution available.
Series HR25 are shafted encoders with a reliable dual row bearing design.
Size 25 Incremental Encoder, with Integrated Coupling and Unbreakable Code Disc
Series HS20 is a sealed hollow shaft encoder. It is compact in size for tight mounting constraints.
Series HS35 is an obsolete heavy duty hollow shaft encoder series with phased array sensors for reliable signal output. IP67 rating with customizable mounting options.
Series HS35R is a heavy duty hollow shaft encoder with phased array sensors for reliable signal output. IP67 rating with customizable mounting options.
Series HSD25 is a harsh duty optical encoder with a compact hub shaft design with field replaceable shaft isolators. Material choices of anodized aluminum, stainless steal or nickel plated housing.
Series M15 are incremental encoders for stepper and small servo motors. It is a modular encoder with easy installation.
Series M53 are incremental encoders for stepper and small servo motors. It is a 2" diameter modular encoder with easy installation.
The M9 Series are miniature encoders for small servo and stepper motor feedback.
The NexGen 22 Series of encoders features a new Phased array ASIC sensor and double of shaft loading of previous Qube encoders.

The RR25 series are heavy duty rate indicators.